Secure Your Peace of Mind with Maryland Property Management's 24/7 Availability - Article Banner

Secure Your Peace of Mind with Maryland Property Management’s 24/7 Availability

Secure Your Peace of Mind with Maryland Property Management's 24/7 Availability - Article Banner

When you’re renting out a property, you’re leaving it in the hands of the tenants you have screened and approved. You’ll trust them to take good care of it and maintain a standard of cleanliness. Ultimately, you are responsible for making any repairs and replacements, however, whether those are routine maintenance needs or sudden emergencies. 

You’ll have to remain accessible at all times. What if the water heater explodes in the middle of the night and causes a flood? What if the sewer line ruptures or a heavy snow causes the roof to buckle? No one likes to think about those worst case scenarios, but you never know when they’re going to happen. If you’re not prepared, you’ll end up spending more money and time than you wanted to. 

A Maryland property management company can take some of that burden off your plate. Instead of being available to your tenants around the clock, you can hand those responsibilities over to a qualified professional who has experience managing emergency maintenance issues. 

When we’re hired by owners and investors to lease, manage, and maintain investment properties, they’re expecting us to take care of everything from finding and screening tenants to collecting rent, enforcing the lease agreement, and handling repairs and maintenance. 

If something goes wrong and an emergency response is needed, we’re available to diagnose the problem, coordinate with vendors, and keep your tenants calm. We will also keep you informed and mitigate any further damage. 

Having a management partner who is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week does a lot for your peace of mind. It’s critical that you hire a property manager who has a solid emergency plan in place. The condition and the value of your property depends upon it. So does the safety and comfort of your tenants. 

Here’s why this kind of availability is so critical in your Maryland property manager.

Emergencies are Always Unexpected 

A maintenance emergency is generally defined as a fire, flood, or any instance that could cause bodily harm to your tenant or significant harm to your property. A toilet that isn’t working in a one-bathroom property is an emergency whereas a toilet that isn’t working in a three-bathroom property is not an emergency. A lack of heat in the winter is an emergency. When there’s no water coming from the pipes, that’s an emergency. 

Your property manager will communicate to your tenants what qualifies as an emergency and what does not. There’s no reason for a tenant to be calling the 24/7 emergency line because a window screen is torn. 

The thing about emergencies is that they can happen at any time. It’s important to have a property manager who is available at all times; day and night, weekends and holidays. You need to know your tenants won’t be left without water or stuck in a freezing house on the coldest night of the season.

Maryland Property Management Response Times

Working with a property management partner who is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies means that those problems are going to be taken care of a lot faster. If your property manager is only available during regular business hours or on weekdays, it can take several hours, a day, or even longer to get a response to a call or message. 

With a 24/7 availability property manager, you can expect a much faster response time. This means that problems can be dealt with quickly, reducing the risk of any further damage being done to your property or any additional discomfort caused to your tenants.

A good vendor network will also facilitate a better and easier emergency response. Your property manager will already know who to call. They’ll have service professionals who are ready to respond right away, thanks to the relationship that’s already been established. Look for a management company that has excellent maintenance relationships. It’s not going to help solve the emergency if no one knows who to call during a sewer problem. 

Emergency Issues and Tenant Satisfaction

One of the biggest challenges landlords face is keeping tenants happy. When your residents report a problem that needs attention, they want it dealt with as soon as possible. If they can’t get in touch with your property manager outside of regular business hours, they may feel like their concerns aren’t being taken seriously. 

By having a 24/7 availability with your property manager, you can ensure that any issues are dealt with quickly, making your tenants feel heard and valued. This contributes to a better tenant relationship, a more successful rental experience, and a higher chance of tenant retention. 

Many studies have revealed that the number one reason that tenants will leave a property is because their maintenance concerns were not addressed in a timely or effective manager. An emergency phone line or plan that’s easy to access will make your tenants feel far more secure. It builds trust between your residents and your property manager. 

Investing in Your Own Peace of Mind

There are dozens and dozens of excellent reasons to work with a professional property manager in Maryland, but one of the best reasons is that it delivers peace of mind. You know that an experienced professional is ensuring that everything runs the way it should. Processes and systems are already in place. 

As a landlord, your rental property is not just a source of income but also a significant investment. It’s natural to want to protect this investment and ensure that everything runs smoothly. By having a 24/7 availability property manager, you can have peace of mind knowing that your property is being looked after at all times. 

If there is a problem, you can trust that your property manager is dealing with it as soon as possible. This is why you work with a team like ours; because we’re on the front lines any time something goes wrong at your property, whether it’s a minor issue or a sudden and serious emergency. 

Emergency Responsiveness Benefits Investment Properties 

When you have a property manager committed to 24/7 availability, it’s not just good for you as the owner and for your residents who live there – it’s also good for your property. The value of your rental property will increase because repairs are taken care of right away. The emergency response will get your property managers inside the property, where they might notice other things that need attention. 

This type of around-the-clock response protects the condition and the value of your investment property. You need a property manager with an emergency plan.

Property Management Emergency Plans 

Put Together an Emergency Action Plan

Your management company will have an action plan for emergencies, which will ensure everyone stays focused during an otherwise chaotic situation. Here’s what our expert plan entails:

  • Communication

Before, during, and after an emergency, we will be prepared to communicate openly and transparently. Over-communicating is never a bad thing during an emergency. We’ll share what we know and update you and your residents throughout the emergency. In the aftermath, we will keep everyone on the same page and feel more in control.

  • Contact information

It’s so important to make sure everyone has the right contact information. We ask tenants to update us when they change phone numbers or email addresses, and we need you to do the same.   

  • Insurance information

Insurance AgentWhen there’s an emergency that impacts your rental property, you’re going to need to know that your insurance policy is up to date and that you’re covered. Don’t wait for the emergency to happen before you find out whether you’re protected against that particular type of loss. Make it a habit to check in with your insurance agent regularly. 

There are a lot of different policies out there. You need to be sure your asset is covered, and you need to know what else you can count on. Maybe your landlord policy covers relocation assistance for your residents and loss of rent. 

Insurance is important, and you shouldn’t spend a lot of time thinking about how to save money by cutting corners on insurance policies. If the emergency in question happens to be a hail storm and you have huge holes in your roof from hail, you don’t want to find out after the fact that your policy doesn’t cover hail. 

We’ll coordinate with any adjusters when claims need to be followed. For that, we’ll need your policy number and the contact information for your agent or insurance company. Make sure they’re accessible to you.

Find a property manager that you trust and who is available to deal with any problems that may arise, 24/7. Whether it’s an emergency repairs issue or regular communication with your tenants, having a 24/7 availability property manager can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that your investment is protected. By choosing a property manager who is available around the clock, you can be confident that your rental property is in good hands.

We can be that property manager for you. Please contact us at Maryland Property Management. 

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