Maryland Property Management's Client Focus: Understanding Largo’s Homeowner Preferences and Needs - Article Banner

Maryland Property Management’s Client Focus: Understanding Largo’s Homeowner Preferences and Needs

Property management is about protecting investment properties, keeping those properties occupied with well-qualified tenants, and ensuring that owners have a pleasant and profitable investment experience. 

It’s also about communication and relationships. 

One of the things that sets us apart from other Largo property management companies is our ability to understand the unique needs and requirements of each homeowner we work with. Every property is different. Every set of investment goals is different. Most importantly, every owner comes to us with a specific set of needs, problems, and questions. 

We customize every management plan towards those needs. 

Our client focus means we can deliver better results. If your goal is to find a stable, long-term tenant for your property so you’re not worried about vacancy and turnover costs, we’ll make sure we seek that tenant out and give them every reason to renew their lease agreement year after year. If your focus is making improvements and upgrades in order to get more value out of your investment property, we’re going to partner with our extensive team of vendors, contractors, and service providers to deliver renovations and updates that are both dazzling and cost-effective. 

Tell us where you are and what you’re hoping to accomplish. We’ll do more than help you plan; we’ll also help you execute. 

Let’s talk about your preferences and needs. Those are the things that will drive our property management response in Largo, Maryland and the surrounding areas. 

Establishing Your Investment Goals as a Homeowner

We can’t help you succeed until we know what success looks like. 

Have you thought about what success looks like for you? You’ll have a pretty good idea of what that looks like once you’ve established some specific and attainable investment goals. Whether you’re renting out the home you once lived in or you’re slowly building a growing portfolio of real estate investments, we need to know what you’re hoping to accomplish with your rental properties. That will drive how we help you lease, manage, and maintain them. It will also tell us what you’re looking for in terms of investment support and asset protection. 

So, let’s take a look at your investment goals and we’ll customize our services for you. If you have not established any investment goals yet, that’s okay. We love to help with that. 

Think about why you’re renting out a home or building an investment strategy. If you’re preparing to invest, you’ll need to factor in your financial situation and how much you can spend on a rental property. Where are you financially? Where do you want to be financially? 

As property managers who specialize in helping new owners, we’re often surprised at how many investors skip this step altogether and just dive into renting out a property. We recommend that you be more strategic than that. It will help us manage your property better.

While you consider and piece together your investment goals, think about whether you’re expecting to earn cash flow right away. Or, are you more interested in watching your property appreciate over time? How long do you plan to hold onto it? Is this a home you might retire in one day? Or, will this simply support your retirement by providing consistent and reliable monthly income?

These are some of the immediate questions you’ll have to ask as you put together your own set of unique investment goals. Once you have these goals in place, we can customize a management strategy that will help you achieve them. 

Establishing Communication Expectations 

We’re here to provide solutions to homeowners who are renting out their properties. 

To effectively solve problems and improve experiences, we need to be on the same page around communication. 

Some of the owners we work with prefer to be communicated with all the time. They like constant updates, they like for us to check in when there’s a decision to be made or even minor maintenance needed. Other owners trust us to take care of those day-to-day logistics. They don’t want to be bothered unless there’s a major problem or a large expense. 

We will discuss communication expectations and requirements with you in order to ensure we’re available and accessible when you need us. Our team is always responsive. We believe this contributes to a better client experience, and it also ensures that we’re doing our best for your property. 

At Maryland Property Management, we are personable and easy to communicate with. We are flexible and willing to communicate in ways that work best for you. Maybe you prefer phone calls to texts. We’ll make it work and we’ll never leave you hanging or waiting for a return call or an answer to your question. 

Good communication practices help us maintain our client focus. 

We balance our service to tenants with our service to owners because we know that when tenants are happy, they’re paying their rent on time, taking care of the property, and following the terms of the lease agreement. 

Largo Property Management and Client Focus

You may have noticed that there is often a noticeable lack of client focus when we’re talking about local property management. The entire industry sometimes gets a bad rap because of the lack of customer service that’s often felt when people hire property managers to rent out and manage their home. We’re trying to reverse that reputation and show owners, tenants, and everyone in the community that property management is a valuable service that improves housing for tenants as well as your life as a property owner. 

We work in property management and real estate because we noticed that there was a need for service-driven property management. In the industry as a whole, communication is not always great, there are sometimes no systems in place, and people that you encounter may simply not seem as professional as you’d like them to be. 

If you’ve ever worked with a property manager before and you had a bad experience, you probably know what we mean. We’ve studied a lot of companies around us and throughout Maryland, and we have learned a lot from what they do well and what could use improvement.  

This has driven us to create our own owner-focused service model which includes: 

  • Focus on Service and Customer Satisfactio

Customer service is what we focus on the most, especially when we’re thinking about the type of experience that our homeowners need in order to achieve peace of mind and financial success. Every decision we make is based on this simple question: how will it impact our owner? 

We create and deliver our services in a way that owners know they are important to us. You will always know that we respect you, and the tenants we work with have the same understanding. The people we work with on a daily basis are a huge part of why we’re in business, so we will always focus on how you feel. Without long term systems in place, it’s hard to feel important, and service will suffer. We invest in systems that serve you.

  • Remaining Flexible and Making Adjustments 

Rental markets change, and that often requires a shift in the way we market homes, price homes, and work with tenants and owners. When the market changes, we’re prepared and we’re flexible. That’s a huge benefit to our owners because it means they don’t feel the changes quite as much. During the pandemic, for example, we were able to continue collecting rent because of our excellent relationships with tenants and our willingness to work with the people who needed help. Whether the market is improving or slipping, we’re ready. We can easily make adjustments after successes, too. There’s a constant re-investment in the way we do business. 

Our Entire Team is Trained to Focus on Owner Needs

Customer ServiceOur customer service is much better than the industry average, and that’s due to our willingness to listen and focus on the needs of our owners. 

The team of people we surround ourselves with is outstanding. We provide training and support so that all of our team members are on board with our philosophy of client focus and customer service. We work with maintenance vendors who align with our business model and are committed to the same standard of service. 

We pride ourselves on being reliable, efficient, and completely committed to a positive rental experience for you, your tenants, and your property. This requires us to listen, communicate, and put together a customized plan for managing your investment property. We’re good at it, and we think that when you partner with us, you’ll agree. 

Your preferences and your needs will help us respond to those needs more successfully. Instead of trying to fit you and your property into our strict model of how things are done, we’ll create a new model just for you. It’s well worth our time and resources because we know it results in a better experience for everyone. 

When you’re looking for property management in Largo, please contact us at Maryland Property Management. We’d love to tell you more about how we can help. 

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